
About ten people attended the weekly protest against racial injustice at the Greene County Courthouse in Jefferson Tuesday.

Co-organizer Dale Hanaman began the rally reading an excerpt that talked about not normalizing whiteness, but to stand up for racial injustice. Hanaman then told the small crowd to continue to stand up with people who are black, people of other colors and those less fortunate in Greene County. He urged everyone to continue to work to be anti-racist.  

Co-organizer Nancy Hanaman has been at every demonstration against racial injustice since it’s beginning some three months ago. She shared a personal experience of playing with Black children who were choir members from a Mississippi church in the 1950s. She expressed how that positive experience fueled some of her foundation of who she is as a person.

“And I think that laid the groundwork for me to understand what it meant to be accepting and to be kind. It’s just been a continuing thought for me (that) if you’re going to accept people, then you need to accept all of who they are (and) what they are. Do you look at just the outside of people, do you get to know people? And the whole key is – other people wiser than me – is relationships.”

A few comments were made by supporters of President Donald Trump that yelled “Four more years.” The weekly protests will continue at the courthouse every Tuesday at 12:15pm.