A second reading for a new all-terrain vehicle and snowmobile ordinance will be considered by the Panora City Council at their meeting Monday.

The Council will also discuss and consider action regarding replacement of the bulk water coin station, and discuss and consider approval of the fiscal year 2020 financial report. Finally, the Council will consider amending the employee handbook relating to Emergency Medical Services employees responding to fire calls during their shift.

The Council will meet electronically at 6:30 p.m. Those that would like to speak at the public hearing must register ahead of time by either emailing lisagrossman@netins.net or calling City Hall at 641-755-2164 by noon Monday. The public is required to attend the meeting electronically, which can be done by visiting Web link: https://www.gotomeet.me/cityofpanora or phone call: 1-(312)-757-3121 Access code: 295-099-701 Your audio PIN: 220 #