
The school year is underway at Greene County High School, and for students and teachers alike, this year is looking very different.

Choir Director David Heupel has had to make quite a change, teaching smaller groups of choir students every class period. Heupel tells Raccoon Valley Radio due to the recommendation from the Iowa High School Music Association of limiting singing to no more than 30 minutes, which he says the students will follow and then transition to sight-reading exercises. Then when it comes to remote learning for students, Heupel is formulating plans for that.

“I started using something called ‘Sight Reading Factory’ last year. Something where students can have an app on their phone and they can look at different sight reading type of things based on their level of reading and where they are. Then they can submit sight reading examples to me through the app.”

Heupel is hopeful to have large group concert choir later this year, while also starting up jazz choir later this fall.