
While Stuart resident Randall Comly was recently sentenced to federal prison for a law enforcement-involved shooting incident that occurred last fall, the Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office is working to rebuild their roster.

Sheriff Marty Arganbright says it’s good to have closure with Comly’s conviction and 40-year prison sentence, though his office still isn’t whole roughly 10 months after the incident, “He did a lot of harm to my department, so that part is not over. I lost two deputies that were involved in that incident and it affected our whole department and continues and probably always will. So we just have to rebuild and get some time behind us so we can still go out there and do our job as law enforcement.”

Deputies Steven Henry and Jim Mink who were injured in the Comly incident resigned from the office, and the County Civil Service Commission is currently in the hiring process, with five applicants who all passed the physical ability test that was conducted Saturday. Arganbright says he hopes to have two new deputies hired by October.