Greene Co Sheriff Jack Williams (right) presenting his concerns for law enforcement coverage in Jefferson
The Greene County Board of Supervisors held a lengthy discussion regarding law enforcement coverage in the City of Jefferson.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams presented a letter with several concerns regarding law enforcement coverage, if the City’s police department continues to have retention issues. He said that if the police department loses another officer, his office would have to provide coverage, which he estimates needing at least two additional deputies to respond only to emergency calls.
“I have to cover emergency calls by code in the entire county. So I’m just making sure that the Supervisors are aware that I will be covering 12-hour shifts in the city limits of Jefferson, which is also going to hinder my coverage in the county. So it’s going to increase the workload for my office significantly.”
The eight-officer police department is currently down two officers with another at the Iowa Enforcement Academy to be a fully certified officer.Jefferson Mayor Matt Gordon said they have tried retention programs and addressing the wage gap issues compared to other law enforcement agencies, along with the Greene County Sheriff’s Office. He voiced another concern from the police department.
“The police feel that there’s not been a good relationship between the City and the police. And that’s another thing that we have to work on (is) the culture.”
Supervisor Chair John Muir said they will continue to work on the issue, but will wait to see what route the City decides to take.