While the COVID-19 pandemic has threatened the livelihood of some Guthrie Center businesses, it seemingly has garnered greater local support through the Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber President Kristen Crouthamel says new membership and renewal applications keep rolling in, with at least 82 total members as of August and 17 of them being brand new members. Crouthamel says the Chamber is very grateful for these members’ support as their dues help the Chamber increase their advertising for businesses, and she explains how the decrease in events this year has benefited their budget in a way, “So we have a little bit extra in our coffers to be able to do some of the things that have been on our bucket list for a couple of years like updating our lighting at the holiday park, buying tents and table banners for when we are at a events to better show off what we’re doing and what we’re trying to do for the community. So we appreciate everybody’s support and hopefully we are showing that support by continuing to plan future events although some could not be held this year but we’ve got some really good plans in the works for 2021 as well.”
The Guthrie Center Chamber does have the date set for two events this fall: the annual Fall-O-Ween Festival hosted with Main Street Guthrie Center on October 10th, and the Heart of Guthrie County Holiday Showcase in partnership with the Panora Chamber of Commerce on November 5th-7th. You can hear more from Crouthamel in today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program on air and at raccoonvalleyradio.com.