While Senator Charles Grassley says the individual assistance program for those affected by the derecho storm earlier this month falls under the Federal Emergency Management Agency, only Linn County has been approved by President Donald Trump to access those dollars.
Sources say Governor Kim Reynolds filed a presidential major disaster declaration last week seeking $3.99 billion, which includes individual assistance for 27 counties that includes $82.7 million for homes destroyed or with major damage, $3.77 billion for agriculture damage to farmland, grain bins and buildings, $100 million for private utilities repair, and $45 million for public assistance. During a visit to Guthrie County Hospital last Thursday, Grassley explains that Congress does not currently need to approve funds be allocated to FEMA, “Once people qualify for it, then on an individual basis x number of dollars goes to this person and x number of dollars goes to that person. So Congress doesn’t have to act and all the President has to do is make the declaration. Beyond that people apply for it as they’re entitled to it and the amount of money would differ from person to person.”
Besides federal disaster assistance for Linn County, President Trump has so far only approved $45 million for public assistance, which provides debris removal and repair to government buildings and utilities. According to the Governor’s Office, 8,273 homes are currently estimated to have been destroyed or suffered major damage, and $23.6 million of damage is estimated to public infrastructure with an additional $21.6 million for removal and disposal of debris from the storm.