
Greene County’s varsity football team held a scrimmage with Gilbert last night at Linduska Field in Jefferson. The event was closed to the public due to COVID-19 concerns.

If fans had been in attendance, they may have noticed fewer down linemen on defense for the Rams than in the past. Head coach Caden Duncan talks about the change. “Our defense will look a little bit different. You’ll see more linebacker-type bodies and more defensive-back type bodies out there because that’s where our depth is this year. Last year we had a lot of depth up front on the line and this year we’re a little thinner there, so it’ll be more three down linemen most of the time. Even though we’ll have more stand-up guys, we’ll still be a very aggressive defense, a very lively and energetic defense, but slightly different in scheme.”

The Rams open the regular season this Friday, Aug. 28 against Perry on the road at Dewey Field. You can hear the game on KG98, KDLS 1310 AM and 99.7 FM, and it will be streamed on