
The recent derecho storm has added a lot to the to-do list for many area residents, it’s important to take care of your body.

Clearing tree brush, or any other yard work stemming from cleaning up from the storm can take a toll on one’s body. Rehabilitation Director for 21st Century Rehab at Dallas County Hospital Clint Lutterman says he’s seen an increase in patients complaining of aches and pains due to the extra yard work. Lutterman recommends taking a couple of simple steps towards staying safe, “A lot of clean up, a lot of bending over, and carrying, and lifting, and pushing, and pulling, and I’ve heard a few patients saying, ‘I’ll go out and work for a while, then take a little break.’ Just be mindful of how your body feels, listen to your body. Make sure you’re staying hydrated. Try to keep moving, don’t just sit and do nothing. That doesn’t necessarily help either. So finding a happy medium, and find a good balance of doing activity and resting.”

Lutterman says minor aches and pains are common, but anything that limits your ability to make routine movements warrants a conversation with a medical professional. A good opportunity to get checked out for free is coming up as 21st Century Rehab at Dallas County Hospital is hosting a free exam day Tuesday. Appointments do have to be made in advance. You can do so by calling 515-465-7672. The exams will be held Tuesday, August 25th at their location at the Dallas County Hospital.