
There was no football practice for the Greene County Rams on Aug. 10 following the derecho storm that hit the county hard. Head coach Caden Duncan talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about his players helping with clean up efforts. “We originally were going to practice a little bit, then go out, but once we got a better idea of the devastation that was caused, we had guys immediately jumping in and helping wherever they were at. We had a core group of 12-15 going around town (Jefferson) and we spent the majority of time at Deal’s Orchard cleaning up and helping them salvage as much as they could, and they were very appreciative.”

The coach said players were in Grand Junction, Scranton, and Churdan, in addition to Jefferson. “We had guys all over the place and it was really cool to see the guys step up, and a lot of it was player led. It wasn’t me telling everyone to get out there and help. It was players letting me now they had a neighbor or somebody around town that needed help. Guys just kind of banded together and helped out, basically all afternoon and into the evening, and even into the next day for some of them.”

Coach Duncan added he was very proud of the community service off the field the players exhibited.