If you are a parent in the Adel-Desoto-Minburn district, and interested in having your kids play football, their youth league will be back again this year with emphasis on having fun and learning new skills as well.
ADM has a pathway for each grade to get them prepared for football. It starts with a K-2 program that has local flag football, 3rd grade has a traveling flag football program with soft helmets, and in 4th grade a full padded flag football program. Tackle football begins in 5th grade with eight man rookie tackle football, 6th grade will have 11 man tackle football which will be played that way throughout high school.
Participation numbers have been really good for the program these last couple of years, and expect a lot of kids to play again this upcoming fall.
For more information on local youth football and other things that are Tiger football related, you can always visit www.admfootball.com