A new facility has been constructed at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds thanks to a Panora Boy Scout.
Kenten Benner channeled his love of the antique tractor displays at the fair as the inspiration for his Eagle Scout project, constructing a display building located on the south side of the fairgrounds for the tractors to be shown without the hazards of rain and other elements. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest accomplishment a Boy Scout can earn, which requires completing a project that benefits an organization in the Scout’s community. Benner raised the $10,000 needed with events including a breakfast/silent auction/bake sale event last November. He shares appreciation for all those who have helped make this facility possible, “I thank everybody in the community and the surrounding communities and the Guthrie County Fair and the Fair Board and then Rutledge Enterprises, Hodges Construction, Clearview Landscaping, Scott Concrete, Imer Construction, Voss Concrete, Sheldburg Construction, and Benner Tiling and Dozing.”
The public can view the display building during the fair which takes place over Labor Day weekend, and take part in several demonstrations, for which you can find a schedule with this story at raccoonvalleyradio.com. Benner is entering his senior year at Panorama High School, and he says that after graduation he plans on enrolling in the John Deere Tech program at Southeast Community College in Milford, Nebraska.