
The Adel City Council met remotely Tuesday evening.

The meeting started with a public hearing regarding they City conveying land in Kinnick Feller Park. A building was purchased on land that belongs to the City. Over the last couple of years, Adel and Elmwood Real Estate LLC have been in discussion as the owners of the building are trying to purchase the land. Various stipulations were clarified as the city will have right of first refusal for the next 20 years, and the owners must keep the property in line with the aesthetic of the park. The Council then entered another public hearing regarding a proposal to lease property to Satellite Center for south water tower wireless internet. The Council approved the lease agreement unanimously. City Administrator Anthony Brown then gave an update on the City’s operational  changes in response to COVID-19 and the 2020 census. Brown reported the City’s census data is hovering around 75% reported.

The Council then deferred action on awarding a bid on the wastewater treatment plant improve projects. The resolution will be discussed again during the September 8th meeting.