Greene Co Public Health Director Becky Wolf, standing left, presenting mask recommendation resolution
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Engineer Wade Weiss told the Board that by late August or early September the Verdin Company will install outer footings to access the outer bells on the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower. He added that some of the windows on the bell tower will be replaced on August 21st.
Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer then gave an update. He said the Central Avenue shared use path to the new Greene County High School is almost complete and the north alleyway project on the downtown square will start later this month. Finally, the road relocation project has been completed at the airport, with the runway extension project happening next.
Next, the Board approved hiring Heath Enns as a full-time deputy with the Greene County Sheriff’s Office with a $51,229 salary and a start date of August 25th, along with approving the County Recorder’s report of fees for July of $28,039. The Board also approved the health plan as related to COVID-19 items. One of the items that are extended include COVID-19 coverage for in network provider is through December. Some of the items that will expire on September 1st include no virtual medical provider visits and accidental dental benefits will return to the standard benefits.
Finally, the Board heard a request for a face mask recommendation resolution by the Greene County Board of Health. Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf presented the resolution that would strongly urge county residents to wear it as one of the best ways to mitigate further spreading COVID-19. The Board may consider the resolution at a future meeting.