The Jefferson City Council will meet tomorrow night.
The Council will consider for approval a resolution for a Federal Aviation Administration grant and a contract and payment of bonds for the runway extension project. Additionally, the Council will consider for approval pay estimates to Keller Excavating for the water main project on Chestnut Street, Caliber Construction for one of four shared use paths, and Westbrooke Construction Company for a project on 110 East State Street. They will also consider hiring a utility billing clerk.
The Council will also consider approving a change order and final payment for the road relocation project as part of the airport runway extension project, as well as professional services contract with Atura Architecture for the Greene County Animal Shelter, the third reading of adding a noise control ordinance, reviewing the fourth quarter financial report and the 2021-2022 budget schedule and priority surveys, and setting the priority budget workshop.
The meeting takes place at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.