
Wednesday, July 29th

2:43am: An officer located an open business door at 701 West Wall Street.

9:35am: Union Pacific Railroad employees reported kids playing on the railroad tracks near the intersection of East Perry Street and North Cedar Street.

11:38am: Staff at the Catholic Church reported a parking complaint in the 500 block of North Cedar Street.

7:19pm: Marisa Messer spoke with an officer about a civil issue regarding child custody.

8:12pm: Jackie Ray reported a stranded vehicle in the 1000 block of East Lincoln Way.

9:34pm: Mike Olson reported a careless driver in the 400 block of North Chestnut Street.

10:11pm: Mark Olson reported a tree branch in the roadway in the 200 block of West State Street.

Thursday, July 30th

12:34am: An officer located an open business door at 1000 North Cedar Street.

8:27am: Staff at People Trust and Savings Bank reported a check Forgery. An officer is investigating.

11:24am: An officer assisted the Greene County Ambulance on a medical call at the intersection of East Garfield and South Olive Street.

6:39pm: Staff at HyVee reported a Theft of alcohol from their establishment with a total loss of $90.96. After obtaining video footage, Arrest Warrants were requested for Alysha Oravetz (39) of Jefferson for Theft — 5th Degree, a Simple Misdemeanor.

7:05pm: A juvenile reported a careless driver in the 100 bock of North Cedar Street.

7:47pm: Kathy Kempffer reported a large knife in the alleyway between East State Street and North Locust Street.

10:05pm: An anonymous person reported suspects stealing Trump 2020 campaign signs.

Friday, July 31st

9:55am: An officer responded to the County Attorney’s Office and spoke with a subject about possible child abuse occurring with a 14-year-old. The officer is investigating the reported events.

11:00am: An officer began an investigation after a report of tools being taken from a job site in the 100 Block of West Gallop Road.

11:15am: An officer performed a Funeral Escort.

12:00pm: Celina Sierra reported Unwanted Contact from a male. The officer contacted the male and advised him to end all contact with Sierra.

3:36pm: While on patrol an officer witnessed two vehicles parked beside each other at 606 Hwy. 30 East. The officer knew the owners of both vehicle and had knowledge of a No Contact Order in place between them. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Jason William Sheldahl, 49 of Scranton for, “Violation of Protective Order – Simple.

5:57pm: Officers assisted the GC Ambulance with a Medical Call at Kelso Park.

6:49pm: Tom Launderville reported a male attempting to sell him tools and other items in the parking lot at 104 North Locust Street. The subject advised him his grandfather had just died and he was selling his items. The vehicle was gone from the location before the officer was contacted.

10:28pm: HyVee reported liquid coming from a manhole cover in the parking lot at 106 West Washington Street. Public Works was contacted to check on the issue.

Saturday, August 1st

5:31pm: Duane Forkner reported the Theft of a presidential campaign sign from his yard at 802 West Lincoln Way Street.

7:15pm: A Traffic Stop at Lincoln Way and Elm Streets resulted in Cora McAlister of Coon Rapids being cited for, “Fail to Obey Stop Sign.”

9:14pm: A caller advised of an open fire in the 100 Block of North Olive Street. The officer located a group sitting around the fire, which was contained in a fire pit.

Sunday, August 2nd

1:23am: A Traffic Stop was performed in the 1800 Block of North Elm Street that resulted in Michael Thompson of Jefferson being cited for, “Operation without Registration and Fail to Display Registration Plate.”

6:04am: James Ross reported a subject passed out in a running vehicle with the music up loud at 606 Hwy. 30 East. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Karl Maurice Krieger, 27 of Ames for, “OWI 1st Offense – Serious.”

7:52am: Whitney Epp spoke to an officer about suspicious actions occurring near Chestnut and Washington Streets.

9:30am: Jerry Kelley reported a possible Attempted Burglary at 803 South Chestnut Street. The officer is investigating.

7:33pm: A caller advised of a possible Domestic Situation occurring at 607 West South Street. Officers arrived and spoke to the couple, who advised of a verbal argument between them outside of the residence. Nothing physical had occurred between the two and no further assistance was requested by the parties.

Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.