The public can view a small-town tourist attraction by the tap of their phone this Friday.
As part of Bricker-Price Block’s virtual senior speaker series, they will be hosting a virtual tour of the Dexter Museum with local historian Rod Stanley at 10 a.m. Stanley says this is an opportunity to show off the museum as they have been closed until further notice due to COVID-19, “Local history is important and it’s important for people to come to museums and see what we have when the museums open up again, to learn the stories. I have a lot of stories I could tell about Dallas County and Guthrie County and people seem to enjoy those and I enjoy telling them, and hopefully somebody someday will be able to take my place and be able to continue it.”
The museum’s exhibits include the 1948 National Plowing Match with the original scoreboard, President Harry S. Truman’s visit to Dexter, the Barrow Gang Shootout, and Jim Meister’s blacksmith shop artifacts. The free, live virtual tour will air on the Bricker-Price Block Facebook page, and participants are welcome to post questions for Stanley to answer.