
The West Central Valley Wildcats will have some decisions to make on how their football schedule is going to look for the 2020 football season, after finding out last week that their non-conference portion of their schedule is affected.

For the Wildcats they will have a decision to make on whether they want to play those non-conference games or not. The Wildcats do know that they will have a game to be played no matter for week 3 when the district schedule starts. West Central Valley will have the option to play a five game, six game, or seven game schedule, as they will have to figure what works best for team that is hoping to gain experience.

They will more than likely look for opponents who didn’t accumulate a lot of wins last year to find some competitive games. There will be a lot of loopholes to jump through for the 2020 football season, but West Central Valley will do their best to get through them and make best of a fascinating time.