
With the governor’s proclamation requiring at least 50-percent of in-person learning to take place this upcoming school year, several school districts are having to revamp their plans, but for one Greene County school district, that isn’t the case.

Paton-Churdan Superintendent Kreg Lensch says their reopening plans already encourage in-person learning as the main goal, which means their plans line up with the governor’s proclamation and don’t need to be re-examined. Lensch points out that parents still have a choice whether or not to allow their child to come to the school building, due to COVID-19 concerns and possible exposure.

“We’ve already had some parents that have reached out to us and wanted to know what that looks like, and I think that’s fine. Distance learning is a challenge but we’re going to do the best that we can. Parents, all they have to do is inform us and we’ll try to meet their needs the best that we can.”

Lensch notes parents who choose to keep their child at home to start the school year can send their child back to the school building later on in the year. He reminds parents that unlike how the last school year ended where learning was optional, this school year learning will be required and students will be expected to do the work.