Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report
8:21 am Panora Police responded to a suspicious vehicle call on E Main Street
8:27 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a panic alarm at Casey’s General Store in Guthrie Center
12:58 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on SW 6th Street in Stuart
4:09 pm Stuart Police responded to a disturbance in Stuart
4:18 pm Stuart Police responded to a family situation on S Gaines St
4:53 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted a motorist at Lake Panorama
5:43 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on S Gaines St
7:40 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Casey
8:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a theft in Guthrie Center
1:57 am Guthrie Co Deputy & Stuart Police responded to a domestic situation in Casey
3:08 am Guthrie Co Deputy checked on a suspicious vehicle in Guthrie Center
3:50 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
8:25 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at DCH Clinic in Panora
10:21 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on SW 4th St
11:18 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at the New Homestead
12:38 pm Chief Deputy responded to a neighbor dispute on Abilene Avenue
2:02 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a two vehicle accident on Hwy 141 by Sparky’s in Bayard. No injuries
4:21 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital to Methodist
6:01 pm Stuart Police responded to a dispute on N Main St
6:21 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a credit card scam in Bayard
6:55 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up
7:17 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of harassment in Bayard
7:19 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up
7:25 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
7:32 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up
9:53 pm Panora Police assisted a motorist
10:07 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical on 185th St
3:40 am Stuart Police responded to a commercial burglar alarm on S Division St
9:23 am Stuart Police and Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at Beacam Apartments
11:31 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up
1:09 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital to Iowa City
2:21 pm Guthrie Co Deputies and Iowa State Patrol responded to a domestic situation on McPherson Street in Casey
6:22 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of an erratic driver
7:45 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of an erratic driver
9:34 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted a motorist
9:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to report of a suspicious vehicle in Bayard
10:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity on White Pole Rd
11:48 pm Stuart Police responded to a commercial burglar alarm on NE 2nd St
8:21 am Stuart Police responded to a call on S Gaines Street
9:38 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on S Gaines St
1:45 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical all on Hwy 44
2:07 pm Case follow up by Stuart Police at NAPA
2:12 pm Stuart Rescue and Stuart Police responded to a medical call on SW 6th Street
2:39 pm Chief Deputy responded to a suspicious person call in Guthrie Center
3:45 pm Panora Ambulance responded to medical call near Panora
8:18 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital to Methodist
9:16 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on 150th St
11:45 pm Stuart Police & Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
9:58 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to an attempted burglary report on Indigo Avenue
10:28 am Chief Deputy assisted Des Moines Police with a hit and run investigation
11:50 am Welfare check by Panora Police on E Main Street
1:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a vandalism call on 3rd Street in Casey
1:48 pm Chief Deputy assisted Greene Co with an investigation
5:16 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up
6:51 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of harassment
8:17 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
8:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to deer call near Guthrie
9:02 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on N Main St
9:36 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to family issue near Panora
11:39 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a family situation on Panorama Terrace
1:37 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a complaint in the Guthrie Co Fair Grounds resulting in an arrest
2:32 am Traffic stop by Guthrie Co Deputy resulted in a high speed chase west of Guthrie Center on Hwy 44
8:13 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Jamaica
9:04 am Stuart Police responded to a report of vandalism
9:50 am Panora Police and Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a domestic call on W Market Street
10:24 am Panora Police responded to an animal call on W Main St
11:16 am Guthrie Co Deputy and Panora Police responded to a call on Bell Street in Yale
11:51 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a trespass complaint on 120th Street
12:20 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a burglar alarm on Tie Road
12:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Yale
2:55 pm Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to a call on Trenton Avenue
2:59 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Hwy 44
3:45 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Viceroy Trail
6:54 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on Outer Drive
7:07 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family issue in Bayard
8:26 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a call in Bayard
9:22 pm Panora Police responded to an accident on W Lane St
9:26 pm Stuart Police responded to a family situation on S Gaines St
10:03 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of suspicious activity
10:34 pm Pedestrian assist by Guthrie Co Deputy
11:23 pm Panora Police responded to a call on W Lane Street
12:46 am Welfare Check by Guthrie Co Deputies on Canfield Drive
1:45 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on SW 6th Street
2:15 am Stuart Police assisted Adair Co with a suspicious person call on York Avenue
3:25 am Guthrie Co Deputy assisted Adair Co with an accident call
3:56 am Stuart Police and Adair Co Deputy responded to a harassment complaint that resulted in an arrest
4:54 am Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a welfare check in Yale
7:44 am Agency assisted by Stuart Police on Walnut Avenue
9:02 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at St Gregory’s in Bayard
9:46 am Attempt to serve civil papers on State Street in Guthrie Center
10:03 am Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on Oak Street in Guthrie Center
1:00 pm Stuart Police assisted with a property exchange on SW 7th St
2:09 pm Panora Police assisted a motorist at Lake Panorama
3:19 pm Panora Police responded to a family situation on E Main St
3:35 pm Panora Police responded back to E Main St
5:22 pm Panora Police preformed a case follow up on E Market St
6:28 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard
7:14 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a deer in the road on Hwy 4
7:41 pm Stuart Police responded to a family situation on S Gaines St
8:01 pm Stuart Police responded back to S Gaines St
8:23 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Yellow Ave
8:29 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a traffic stop which resulted in an arrest
8:34 pm Panora Police & Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
9:18 pm Panora Police responded to a family situation on E Market St
10:43 pm Panora Fire, Ambulance & Police, Guthrie Co Deputy & Stuart Fire responded to a
Structure fire on 255th Lane