In a normal year, high school coaches would have been conducting off-season workouts with their athletes starting June 1. Because of COVID-19, that date was pushed back to July 1 with a number of caveats.
Caden Duncan is the Greene County High School head football coach, and also the strength and conditioning coach for girls and boys on all grade levels. He explains what has been taking place. “We are meeting every Monday through Thursday. We have an early session with the football team early at 6:15 in the morning. We start off with some football drills for about 45 minutes, then the last hour or so we go through a workout for physical training. Later on in the morning, about 8:30, we have another session for all athletes, so they can come in and get the same workout.”
The coach talks about some of the steps needed due to COVID-19. “We don’t have enough space inside to socially distance safely, so we do our workouts outside. We have stations spread out around the track area, around the football practice field area, and then one station inside the weight room. The groups have to be 10 kids or less and they rotate around the different stations and we have to maintain our social distancing as much as possible. Every station has to be sanitized immediately after their use and before they rotate to the next station.”