
While the yearly City of Perry Independence Day parade will not be held this weekend due to COVID-19 concerns, a smaller in scale procession kept its own tradition alive.

Perry’s Academic, Cultural, and Enrichment Services (PACES) program held their 20th annual Fourth of July parade Wednesday morning, featuring excited kids and proud families. The students in the summer program gathered outside the west entrance of Perry Elementary School, and as always they got things started with the Pledge of Allegiance. They then began their trek around the building, holding banners and wearing some homemade patriotic costumes as they did so. The families and friends of the students were able to watch the parade from afar, greeting and cheering on the participants.

PACES Director Mary Hillman was happy to provide some semblance of normalcy for the kids during a time when very little is normal, and she’s confident everyone had a good time.