Tuesday, June 30th
1:08am: An officer located an Open Business Door at 400 North Elm Street. The business owner was called to secure the business.
3:43am: A caller advised of fireworks being set off near Head Park. The officer did not locate anyone in the area.
7:41am: HyVee reported an Abandoned Bicycle at 106 West Washington Street. The bike was placed in Impound by the officer.
8:06am: Gene Dillavou spoke to an officer about some Civil Issues occurring at 402 North Pinet Street.
9:45am: Tiana Lowe captured a Stray Dog near Central and Cedar. The animal was placed in the Animal Holding Facility.
11:50am: A Traffic Stop in the 900 Block of North Elm Street resulted in Nathan Hicks of Perry being cited for, “Excessive Speed.”
2:47pm: Edward Jones Investment workers reported a pile of grass on fire behind a business in the 100 Block of North Wilson Ave. Officers extinguished the small fire.
2:48pm: A caller advised of fireworks being set off at 1226 Westwood Drive. The officers spoke to a male resident of the apartments, who advised he had set the fireworks off. The subject had received warnings for this in the short past. Juan Angel Guzman was issued a Citation for, “Fireworks Prohibited.”
5:07pm: Jenn Ashby reported a subject at her residence threatening her about his dog missing. The animal had been placed in the Animal Holding Facility. The dog’s owner was advised of this.
7:31pm: Tyler Smits reported a possible No Contact Violation occurring in the 600 Block of North Chestnut Street. The officer determined a violation had not occurred.
Wednesday, July 1st
3:43pm: An officer arrested James Alexander Pena, 22 of Jefferson at 202 West Adams Street on outstanding Jefferson Police Department Arrest Warrants. The warrants were issued after a reported Domestic Abuse Assault on 04/13/2020. The warrants are for, “Domestic Abuse Assault – Simple and Child Endangerment – Aggravated.”
5:25pm: An officer assisted a motorist with mechanical issues in the 300 Block of North Wilson Ave.
5:33pm: Bruce Youngblood reported damage to planted corn near the 1000 Block of East Russell Street. The officer is investigating.
6:20pm: A caller reported an illegally parked vehicle near Pinet and South Streets. The officer did not locate any infractions in the area.
6:40pm: Emily Hayes reported a vehicle following her through town and a known female had made a rude gesture towards her.
6:40pm: Les Reinhart reported fireworks being set off somewhere near the Fairgrounds. The officer did not locate the source of the reported fireworks.
6:57pm: A caller spoke to an officer about “Leash Laws” in Jefferson. They advised of a problem dog in the neighborhood but would not elaborate any further.
9:11pm: Les Pierce reported a Trespassing Event at the trailer court located at 701 North Cedar Street.
9:41pm: A parent spoke with an officer after her daughter had received threats on a Social Media Chat Room. The officer offered some suggestions to help with the issue.
11:58pm: An officer located an Open Door at 407 East Central Ave. and secured the business.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.