
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting will begin with setting the time and date for a public hearing on a telephone line easement with Qwest Corporation on the Raccoon River Valley Trail, followed by consideration of the hardware placement for the new courtroom project at the Dallas County Courthouse. At 9:30 a.m. there will be a public hearing on the final plat of the River Woods development. There will be a second public hearing at 10 a.m. for the final plat of Grace’s Point.

Next, the Board will consider a modification of the wetland development project, as well as excavator and trailer purchases for the Secondary Roads Department. The meeting will conclude with consideration of a resolution for 2020 assigned funds. The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in downtown Adel.