Along with the Jefferson Streets Department, other public works departments have been seeing a busy spring and summer.
Public Works Director Dave Morlan says the Water Department has had to replace needed parts on the water plants main filters. He notes the City Council approved in January to make the necessary repairs for an amount not to exceed $75,000 for two of the four filters. Morlan adds, the other two filters will be repaired next fiscal year.
Another major project is a water main replacement around the Washington Street, Wilson Avenue and North Chestnut Street area. Morlan says currently the water main system in that area is a deadend, and part of the project is looping it into the City’s water system. He points out this water main has given City crews fits before.
“(There’s been) several water main breaks there on Washington Street. It’s an old sandcast main (and) it’s broke numerous times just right there by City Hall alone. Plus, the houses where it’s going to loop around, currently only allow a two-inch main, so getting them on a bigger main will give them better water pressure too.”
The City Council approved in April for Keller Excavating to do the project for $216,516.
Finally, Morlan says the Wastewater Department has already replaced a 16-foot area of its sewer line on South Locust and Garfield. He adds, they are currently flushing sewer lines in the northwest section of town.