The golf outing for Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Matters: Main Street is tomorrow.
Chamber Board Secretary Jill Morton says there are 15 four-person teams and ten hole sponsors for this year’s annual fundraiser for the Chamber. Additionally, there are other sponsors who have stepped up for the event, including prizes for the top finishers and other side games during the outing. Morton notes they were pleasantly surprised by the response for the event.
“We weren’t sure with the COVID(-19) going on. But you know what, people found out there was a (golf) tournament and they were excited because we’re the only tournament all summer. People are ready to get out.”
The event will be at the Jefferson Community Golf Course, with registrations to begin at 9am and the shotgun start will be at 9:30. To hear more about the golf outing and other Chamber-related information, listen to tomorrow’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.