The 2020 Greene County Fair will happen, but in a much more modified way.
The theme is “2020 Normal-ISH Greene County Fair,” which is highlighting the impacts that COVID-19 has on this year’s fair. Greene County Fair Board President Connor Juergensen says the biggest change is restricting the general public from attending the fair.
“We have done away with all of the grandstand and grounds attractions for the 2020 fair, with the hopes of slowing the spread of the virus in the community. We thought it was the right decision and one we had to take to maintain a safe environment out there (at the fairgrounds).”
Juergensen points out they are having the 4-H/FFA static exhibits and livestock shows, however the public is not encouraged to attend, due to COVID-19 concerns. He notes, static exhibits will be dropped off by individual 4-H clubs, judged on a separate day without the 4-H’ers and then the exhibits will be picked up on another day. Juergensen says despite the cancellation of the Iowa State Fair, they still wanted to give local 4-H’ers the opportunity to showcase their projects.
“Not everybody is going to be happy with the situation, nobody is with COVID-19 in any aspect of life. But it’s the responsible thing to do and I think we’ve got a lot of people really looking forward, at least to the modified side of it.”
One positive for the public to take in is the free fireworks show on Friday, July 10th at dusk. Juergensen notes the grandstand will be closed to the public for the show. The Greene County Fair will be from July 7th-13th.