The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors discussed a few matters regarding the Transfer Station Tuesday.
Transfer Station Director Jotham Arber informed the Board that they are required by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to have a compliance contract. Arber mentioned there are two bidding companies, and he will bring the matter back to the Board next week. Arber also mentioned that the Transfer Station supervisor has offered to mow the landfill area for free, as long as he can keep the hay. Arber said they usually pay about $600 to have it mowed twice annually. No formal action was taken regarding the matter.
Supervisor Cliff Carney brought up a concern about the facilities’ hours, since they had decided to no longer hold later hours on Wednesdays and are currently open on just the second Saturday of the month. Carney suggested that the station be open for two Saturdays a month, which Arber suggested they could do for a few months, but not the whole year. Arber stated that the Transfer Station lost $10,000 last fiscal year due to hours they were open in which no customers utilized the service. He also reminded the Supervisors that the County Environmental Health department should be the ones contacted to respond to piles of garbage left in road ditches.