
A few COVID-19 outbreaks have been occurring within Greene County in the last couple of weeks.

Two Iowa Department of Transportation employees tested positive for COVID-19 which forced the entire 12-person crew to be self-quarantined from the Jefferson office. The other instance was the six Scranton Manufacturing employees that also tested positive from Greene County. Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says whenever there are positive cases confirmed in a business, public health gets involved. She points out there are challenges when it comes to the larger businesses in the county.

“We just try to come up with ideas and help them to find ways to not greatly, negatively impact their production process. But yet we’ve got to help them protect their employees and prevent further spread of the illness.”

Wolf notes some of their recommendations include staggering shifts and breaks, wearing masks, and increasing the space between employees. She points out another important consideration is a business’ attendance policy.

“If you have an employee that has been in direct exposure to a confirmed case, they are going to have to be on quarantine for 14 days at home. We don’t want that to negative(ly) impact their attendance policy.”

Wolf adds, they also suggest businesses increase sanitation and cleaning of work areas, providing additional hand sanitizer stations and screening employees for the virus as they start their shift.