
The structure at the trailhead in Jefferson as of Wednesday

A project recently started on the Raccoon River Valley Trail in Greene County.

RRVT Board member Chuck Offenburger says “In the Shadow of the Rails” is a $1.1 million project that ties together the railroad heritage that now only exists as a recreational trail along each of the communities with RRVT. Former RRVT Board member Michelle Fields says the project is to erect concrete pillars wrapped in decorative tile connected to an overarching beam  with a sign designating each of the three locations in the County, including: the trailhead in Jefferson, Winkelman Switch and Cooper.

Offenburger says the project was designed by artist and engineer David Dahlquist, with the main part of the project focused on the Waukee Railroad Pergola. Fields notes that construction of the three County sites started June 11th and the contractor has 60 working days to complete the projects.

Fields says funding for the entrances came from a few different sources. RRVT received an Iowa Great Place designation, which made them eligible for a Great Places grant, along with matching funds provided by Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, which then led to a grant from the Federal Highway and a Transportation Alternatives Project grant. She adds, detours have been set up while construction is ongoing.