The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
For the first time since March the meeting was held in-person, as the County continues to relax restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first action item was approval of the purchase of a 2020 Dodge Grand Caravan for $23,230 from Stew Hanson’s Dodge in Des Moines, which will be used as a new transport vehicle for the Sheriff’s Office. The Board also reappointed Natalie Gillett to the Veterans Affairs Commission. They then tabled approval of the hardware placement for the new courtroom project at the Dallas County Courthouse, so the Information Technology Department can review the proposal.
The meeting concluded with a public hearing on the second amendment to the fiscal year 2020 County budget. The biggest changes were $1.4 million extra allocated to the Secondary Roads Department, and $1.2 million into the general fund, which will help cover projects from the last year. With no objections from the public, the Board approved the amendment as presented.