
With summer upon us, the outdoor recreation season has officially arrived, and one of the most popular activities in Dallas County is bike riding.

With that in mind, Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard offers advice to cyclists on how to keep themselves safe while utilizing the local trail systems. “We have a lot of bike trails in Dallas County and a lot of intersections, and some of them I think are considered blind intersections and stuff. So bicyclists have to be aware of that, and they need to use caution before entering the roadways. Because there is a lot of close calls every year, and we’ve had fatalities in the past and we’ve had bad accidents. And nobody likes going to those either, so we just need to use caution.”

Leonard says the same goes for motorists, in that they need to recognize where trail crossings are and to keep an eye out for cyclists. Additionally, he notes that many people ride their bikes on the roadway, which is their right, so motorists should be mindful of that as well. Leonard emphasizes that one of the best ways to prevent collisions of any kind is to avoid distractions, so he asks that everyone refrain from being on their phone while driving. To learn more about this and other summer safety tips, click the link below to listen to the recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Leonard.
