The Perry School District’s current facilities project is heading down the home stretch, and the School Board took a tour of the sites prior to their most recent meeting.

Superintendent Clark Wicks says the Board was impressed with how everything looked, with the wrestling/multipurpose room and industrial technology facilities at Perry High School starting to take shape. Wicks notes that the shells of the buildings are basically finished, though the interiors still have a lot left to do. He says the contractors are confident everything will be wrapped up by August 1st, and will be ready to use by the start of the next school year.

Wicks adds, they’re ironing out the details on a dedication ceremony of some kind, though exactly what it will look like is up in the air due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19. “We will be doing something. We don’t have a date on that, because we don’t want to get the cart ahead of the horse. But as soon as we get the go ahead and get ownership of the two buildings, then we’ll start to work with the Board. And we’ve got to have some kind of celebration, because a lot of work has been put into that and it will be two beautiful facilities.”

To learn more about this and other Perry School District topics, click the link below to listen to the recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Wicks.

Let’s Talk Dallas County (6/9/2020) – Clark Wicks