Since Governor Kim Reynolds opened the TestIowa Assessment to allow any Iowa resident to get the test to see if you are possibly infected with COVID-19, is insurance needed to get a test?
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says if you use the TestIowa Assessment and it recommends you get a test, you must go to a TestIowa site or clinic and the COVID-19 will be done for free. Local medical providers have a different set of criteria to allow residents to be tested. Wolf says if you don’t meet the criteria, a test may not be needed but if a test is done, insurance may not pay for it.
Wolf notes the criteria, as set by the State Hygienic Lab, has been expanded to include more people.
“Where now children and childcare staff of daycares can be tested if they have symptoms of fever or respiratory issues. And also symptomatic and asymptomatic – which means you don’t have symptoms but are infected – symptomatic and asymptomatic close contact for confirmed cases can get tested also.”
Click here to access the state dashboard for the assessment and to find the closest TestIowa site to you.