The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.
The meeting will begin with the second change order from CL Carroll and Company for the Ortonville Lagoon demolition project, followed by the second pay application from Lejas Corporation for the courthouse courtroom project. Next, the Board will consider a fund deposit from the proceeds of the recent sale of County buildings, as well as an engineering consultant contract, and setting the time and date for a public hearing on a telephone line easement. Following that, they will have more discussion and possible action on the 28E agreement with Central Iowa Workforce Development, Region 11.
Other items on the agenda include: an event request by the Iowa Prayer Caucus Network; appointments to the County Board of Health, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Board of Adjustment; and a funding request for the Mid-Iowa Development Fund. The meeting will conclude with the receipt of the post election audit certificate, as well as the canvass of the recent primary election. Due to ongoing social distancing requirements related to COVID-19, the meeting will be held virtually at 9 a.m., and it can be accessed by calling 1-699-224-3412 and entering the code 431-684-293 or by clicking the link below.