The Dallas County Secondary Roads Department has had a productive spring, and they look to continue that through the summer.
At a recent Board of Supervisors meeting, County Engineer Al Miller gave a report on their projects so far this year. Thanks to ideal weather since March, Miller said his crews were able to do 12 miles of reshaping and resurfacing gravel roads in the County, 1.5 miles of ditch repair, 25 miles of shoulder rock and contract shoulder rock, and 17 culvert repairs. He also reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) project on Midland Trail was finished with erosion control and will be moving onto the next phase in the coming weeks.
As for upcoming projects, Miller said they will continue repairs and maintenance on the granular surfaces, but the big task for the summer will be the resurfacing and widening of County Road R16. Miller says there should be little traffic disruption due to County projects this year, and promises that construction will be well-marked wherever they’re working. Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to the Secondary Roads Department at 515-993-4289 during regular business hours.