Greene Co Sheriff Jack Williams
Following a tragic incident when George Floyd was allegedly killed by a Minneapolis police officer who put his knee on Floyd’s neck for several minutes has sparked protests across the nation.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams’ initial reaction to what the officer did was wrong and none of the other officers involved in that incident told him to stop. He says the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy and defensive tactic trainers in Iowa stress to never put their knees on individuals, due to the high risk of injury. Williams notes they are taught to put their knees between the shoulder blades to control an individual, but to only use that tactic when necessary.
“If somebody is combative to the point to where they can’t get them in the car, as here in Greene County we primarily work by ourselves, if they would probably put a knee between the shoulders or just sit on them back towards their butt so you can help hold them down until more help gets there. But in no way shape or form are we ever going to put anything on the neck.”
Williams says they usually start by talking to the individuals to calm them down and try to keep any situation from escalating. He adds all of his deputies and the Jefferson Police Department try to treat everyone they encounter like they would want to be treated and if you help someone, they will hopefully help you out another time.