The Greene County School District has announced two different graduation plans for later this month.
The tentative date is Sunday, June 28th at Linduskia Field in Jefferson. The first option is an individual walkthrough. The plan allows for one graduate to walk across the stage with their family, receive their diploma from the School Board President and exit the stage as the next graduate and their family enter the stage. This option will not include speeches, audience or other graduates in attendance. This program will begin at noon on June 28th.
The second option is a more traditional ceremony. The approximate 45-minute event will include speeches by the keynote speaker and senior class president. Graduates will then walk across the stage, one at a time, and receive their diplomas. Additionally, graduates will be seated on the track and their families will be both in the bleachers and around the perimeter of the track. Organizers ask for only immediate family members to attend.
Superintendent Tim Christensen is confident about having graduation happen on June 28th.
“Every indication is that we can have a ceremony, the way that I read between the lines. I think we’ll be good to go to have a ceremony again. We’ll still need to practice social distancing and how we spread people out on the bleachers. I do believe we’ll be able to do something relatively the same as graduation.”
Patti Fisher is one of the organizers and is asking graduating seniors to fill out a Google document that was sent to their school emails to indicate which option they prefer. In case of rain, the ceremonies will be held at the Greene Room events center at Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson.