
A former employee at the Dallas County Jail has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the County, Sheriff Chad Leonard, and Jail Administrator Doug Lande.

According to court documents obtained from the Dallas County Clerk of Court, Dustin Robbins alleges he was fired for reporting COVID-19 concerns to the Iowa Department of Corrections hotline for prison system workers. The issue began when it was revealed May 2nd that a jail employee had tested positive for the virus. Leonard included in an email to staff that since the worker was symptom-free, they would be returning to work “with precautions.” Robbins stated he was uneasy about the situation, because the email didn’t disclose when the employee had tested positive or how long they had been off work. On May 4th he called the hotline and disclosed the details, and the next day it was announced the infected worker wouldn’t return as soon as anticipated.

That same day, Robbins had a private meeting with Leonard and Lande that reportedly got heated and resulted in the Sheriff telling the plaintiff to leave and “Don’t you ever come back.” Robbins was told he wasn’t fired but was on leave and would be contacted further. He allegedly didn’t hear back until receiving his termination notification from the Human Resources Department on May 12th for “no call, no show.” Robbins felt his discharge was retaliatory because he went over the Sheriff’s and Jail Administrator’s heads by reporting the coronavirus concerns, and he’s suing for damages including reinstatement with back pay. He has requested a jury trial for the matter.

Leonard told Raccoon Valley Radio he’s not at liberty to discuss the matter due to County policy on pending litigation and personnel matters, but did say Robbins quit his position and was not fired. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.