While bars and similar establishments are allowed to reopen this week and outdoor playgrounds, casinos, and other businesses allowed to open June 1st, social distancing guidelines are still stressed by Guthrie County Public Health.
Governor Kim Reynolds’ proclamation signed this week also permits social, community, recreational, leisure, and sporting gatherings and events of more than 10 people, though attendance must be limited to 50% of a venue capacity and maintain six feet of distance between those attending. While its been a couple months since community spread of COVID-19 began in Iowa, Guthrie County Public Health Director Jotham Arber says the recommendations to stem the spread of the virus remain the same, which includes frequent handwashing and social distancing, “So even though we’re allowed to gather in more people and that’s great and I’m excited that people are going to be able to gather together, making sure that we’re staying far enough apart even though we’re together. So that six foot distance is really crucial to helping stop the spread of this thing. So if you have someone who is asymptomatically carrying it and they’re in that group, if we’re all doing our part to socially distance and keep ourselves as far apart as we can, we can minimize the transmission of that virus on other people.”
Arber also advises those with preexisting conditions to stay home as much as possible, and if they do go out, to wear a face covering, and encourage others they interact with to do the same. As COVID-19 is a new virus and much is to be learned of it, Arber says it’s not going away anytime soon and residents should treat that as such.