As more businesses and other areas begin to open again in Greene County, public health officials are stressing preventative measures against the spread of COVID-19.
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says employers should be promoting healthy hygiene practices such as frequent hand washing, wearing a cloth face mask and intensifying cleaning and sanitation.
“And then encouraging social distancing and maybe even putting some physical barriers up. Encouraging the layout of the business or the office, so that people are reminded to maintain that six foot distance.”
She suggests that employers should also monitor their employees for signs of the virus by checking the employee’s temperature, having them stay home if they feel sick, and have flexible leave policies available in case they are needed.
As a reminder for everyone, Wolf highly recommends wearing a face mask when outside of the home. She says it’s not required for people to wear one, but it is important if you are going to be in a social setting.
“It’s thoughtful to wear a mask, like if you go into a store just pull the mask up while you’re there and then pull it back down when you get out into your car. The mask is what creates a barrier in case you come into contact with somebody within that six foot distance. If you can’t wear them then please just do everything else you can.”
Wolf adds, she noticed lots of people have been doing a good job of following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control to prevent the spread of the virus, so she encourages everyone to maintain those measures going forward.