Rain throughout last week resulted in 2.5 days suitable for field work and below normal temperatures slowed crop growth, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The weekly Crop Progress and Condition report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service states that Iowa farmers have planted 97% of the expected corn crop, three weeks ahead of last year and almost two weeks ahead of the five year average. Corn emerged by 20% to 82% over the past week. Soybeans are now at 92% planted, nearly a month ahead of last year and over two weeks ahead of average. The percentage of soybeans that have emerged doubled over the past week to 52%.
Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig commented on the report saying that the holiday weekend brought warmer weather and some sun, which helped advance crop development. While showers and thunderstorms have occurred over the first half of this week, Naig expects farmers will be able to resume fieldwork during the tail end of the week when more dry weather is expected.