Photo courtesy of BOOST Facebook page
An event that was rescheduled in Jefferson due to COVID-19 has made yet another change.
The Bringing Optimism and Opportunities to Students and Teachers of Greene County (BOOST) will be holding their third annual fundraiser virtually. The event was rescheduled from late March to June 27th at the Greene Room events center at Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson due to COVID-19 concerns, but the BOOST Steering Committee has decided to instead hold the event on a virtual platform.
The revised format will include an online auction and recognition of the accomplishments and positives for the Greene County School District. The non-profit organization supports the school district staff with supplemental funding for additional classroom materials, trips or other educational opportunities. Last year the fundraiser brought in over $67,000.
Those who reserved a ticket for the in-person event will be given a refund, if requested. Those who do not request a refund will be considered a tax-deductible donation to BOOST. To obtain a refund, email gcschoolsboost@gmail.com, call 515-3703325 or send a request to Greene County Schools BOOST, P.O. Box 4, Jefferson, Iowa 50129.