Dallas County Hospital and Family Medicine Clinics is partnering with a local retailer to acquire more hand-sewn face masks, and they’re asking the community to assist.
The materials to create homemade masks have become more scarce as the demand for the personal protective equipment (PPE) has increased. However, Ben’s Five and Dime in Perry has worked to secure a supply of material that they will provide to crafters in the area at no cost. The only condition is that the masks made are to be donated to DCH once they’re completed. The hospital will then use the PPE to protect patients entering the facility by providing them with a mask to keep.
Anyone interested in joining the initiative can contact DCH Foundation and Marketing Manager Macinzie McFarland at 515-465-7516 or mmcfarland@dallascohospital.org for more information. Additionally, the hospital is always accepting donations of medically approved PPE, such as n95 respirators and surgical masks, face shields, and goggles.