The Dallas County Board of Supervisors recently approved a change order related to the new law enforcement center project, which will increase the parking capacity at the site.
The change was originally proposed a year ago, though at that time it was recommended by construction manager the Samuels Group to postpone action until they knew for sure that extra parking was necessary. As the facility gets closer to finished, it has become apparent to Sheriff Chad Leonard that the current 68 parking stalls would not be sufficient for the amount of daily traffic expected at the center. In response, the architecture firm the Farnsworth Group presented a change order that would expand the parking lot by 40 stalls, which Leonard agreed would be enough for the time being.
The cost of the change order was $89,192, though Operations Director Rob Tietz said it wouldn’t be paid out of the bond funds. Instead, the money will come from the Sheriff’s room and board fund, which currently has more than enough to cover the lot expansion. The Supervisors approved the change order and authorized Neumann Brothers Concrete to return to the site and finish the lot. Tietz added, there’s still extra space around the facility if they need to add more stalls in the future.