Though the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the preemptive cancellation of many summer activities, the Adel Parks and Recreation Department still has several programs planned.
The registration deadline is approaching for five different summer leagues. For youth, families can sign their kids up for the Little Sluggers baseball league, as well as youth tennis. Little Sluggers is open to boys and girls ages 3-4, and the first session will run from June 8-24 with the second running from July 13-29. The cost is $35 per child. Youth tennis has three age groups, with “red ball” for ages 5-8, “orange ball” for ages 9-12, and “green ball” for ages 13-17. The first session will run from June 9-25, the second from July 7-23, and the cost is $45 for red, and $60 for orange and green.
Meanwhile, there are three summer sports for adults to get involved. First is co-ed sand volleyball, which will run from June 9th – July 21st and costs $165 per team. Next is co-ed slow pitch softball, running from June 11th – July 30th and costing $190 per team. Finally, there are men’s and women’s tennis leagues, with the men playing from June 11th – August 13th, and women from June 15th – August 11th. The cost is $25 per person. The deadline to sign up for each of these summer programs is tomorrow. For more information or to register, click the link below.