The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting began with two public hearings. The first was on the proposed contract documents and estimated costs for the 28th Street project, and the second was on the intent to dispose of property within City limits. Following the hearings, the Council awarded the bid for the 28th Street project to Absolute Concrete in the amount of $225,692, as well as a resolution approving the disposal of the lot containing the Perry High School building trades class house. Also in old business, they approved a pay request of $373,292 from Ball Team Construction for the McCreary Community Building renovation project, as well as a change order of $1,358 related to existing door repairs.
In new business, the Council approved the final plat of the Prairie Trail subdivision, located on North Street between 16th and 18th streets. That was followed by approval of a resolution in support of a workforce housing tax credit benefit application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority on behalf of the Perrywood Apartments. Finally, the Council approved a general agreement with Sambatek, Inc for professional services related to the runway extension project at the Perry Municipal Airport.
To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.