With all of the recent rainfall, lawns might be getting a bit long if not properly cared for.
The City of Jefferson reminds residents that grass, weeds and brush cannot be above eight inches in length. If a resident is found to be in violation of this ordinance, the City can mow the grass and assess the cost against the property. The hourly rate for City crews is $130 with a one hour minimum charge.
Additionally, Police Chief Mark Clouse reminds property owners of an ordinance against blowing grass clippings into the street. He says if a property owner is in violation of the ordinance, an officer will ask for their assistance to adhere to the ordinance. Clouse explains what could happen if grass clippings remain on the street.
“With a heavier rain, it washes down to the sewers, the street sewer inlets at the corners. We’re going to plug those up and make fits for public works to keep those open and running water.”
If a property owner continues to be in violation of the ordinance, a citation and fine may be issued. Anyone with questions can contact City Hall at 515-386-3111.