Several Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office personnel took some time out of their busy schedules Thursday to pay their respects to a local resident who passed away this week.
Sheriff Marty Arganbright, Chief Deputy Jeremy Bennett and others led a funeral procession from Twigg Funeral Home to Union Cemetery in Guthrie Center for the late Betty Irene Hansen. Hansen meant a great deal to the Sheriff’s Office, as she worked for nearly 30 years delivering the jail inmates’ meals three times a day, seven days a week, and doing laundry services. Arganbright says she was a determined woman who refused to take the courthouse elevator and even took the stairs backwards carrying the heavy deliveries for the jail, “She also was a matron for the Sheriff’s Office all those years too, more for the other sheriffs than me but she would come and sit if we had a female. And also she did rides with the deputies or sheriffs when they had to transport a female, she did that all those years also. She liked being around law enforcement and she was dedicated to her job and she liked it.”
Hansen retired in 2014, receiving a plaque of honor from the Sheriff’s Office. She passed away Monday night at The New Homestead in Guthrie Center at the age of 86.