
If the COVID-19 pandemic has shown anything about the people of Iowa, it’s that they are willing to do what they can to show support for the people keeping them safe.

Dallas County Emergency Medical Services Director Mike Thomason says the outpouring of community support during the local outbreak has been staggering. Thomason emphasizes that dealing with the pandemic is all part of his crew’s job description, but he adds that they still go above and beyond every day to help the public. He says the people have taken note of that sacrifice, and the offers of supplies and other means of support have been bountiful. “I would love to start a list of names, but I’m sure to leave someone out by accident. So I will say that the community support — whether it be food, whether it be face shields, donation of cloth masks, the support with discounts, et cetera, stuff like that — has been awesome, you know? And we’re very appreciative of what the community has done.”

Anyone interested in donating anything to Dallas County EMS or any of the other emergency responders in the area can contact the Dallas County Health Department at 515-993-3750 or Dallas County Hospital at 515-465-3547 to set up a drop-off time. To learn more from Thomason about dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, click the link below to listen to the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with him.
